
Showing posts from January, 2017

Managing pain

Today ,  there   was  a program on television  about  a  young  lady  who   was   overweight  and  she   was  desperate to  lose  the  weight  and  did  not  want  to go  through  the  pains   of   dieting  or  exercise . The moment  she   mentioned   that   she   did  not  want  to  actually  do  something  to  lose  the  weight  my gut  knew   that  the solution  she   would   choose   would  get  her   into   trouble . The solution  she  chose  was  to get an operation, the  price  for  such  an operation  was  6500 dollars an  amount   she   did  not  have . To  cut  the long story short  she   found   some   one   who   needed   help  to import  drugs  from South  American   into  the United States.  She   of   course  got  caught  and  spent  23  months  in  prison .   Why  is  this  short story  relevant  to my  life .  What   are  the  parallel   can  I  draw  or  lessons  from it. I  have   been   thinking   that  all the  weight   gained  from  medication   could